The Pandemic Mindset

Three things you can do to develop a champions mindset during this global pandemic and social unrest.

At this time in history, the planet has been fighting a global pandemic called the Corona Virus or Covid-19 as it has been commonly referred as. This pandemic has crippled local, national, and international economies. Covid-19 has infected tens of millions, took the lives of hundreds of thousands, and completely disrupted life as we know it. Not to mention the high levels of anxiety many of us face due to loss of jobs, separation from our loved ones, or the ability to just go the local bar and have an adult beverage; all have been placed in a precarious position because of this virus. I mean…they have canceled sports for crying out loud!!


So the question must be asked; what does one do in these times? How do you go about your day as if the entire world is not just going to hell? Or more importantly…how do you stop yourself from just going completely crazy. The first thing I recommend is you take a moment to stop, pause, and assess exactly where you are mentally. Before any change can be made, we must first be honest with what is going on. If you cannot deal, then admit that you cannot deal. If you are good but feel you need to make some slight changes, then make those changes. No matter where you are mentally, strengthening the mind begins with being aware and honest with how we as an individual are dealing with things. Some questions one may ask themselves…

-How do I really feel about this situation?

-Do I need to seek the assistance of someone? (trusted friend, counselor, therapist, life coach, etc)

-How do I want to move forward in this situation?

Know and Maintain Your Limits

Everyone one of us has a limit. For some of us, our mental limit is quite high. For others, not so much. Your limit is your limit. The key though is to know what your limit is, and do not apologize for holding your ground when your limit has been reached. During this time of a global pandemic and social unrest, it is so easy to fall into the trap of trying to placate others by entertaining their thoughts. The opportunity that we encounter is that we do not give ourselves the space to decern what it is do we believe to be true. This can lead to our mental bucket being overflowed with no one room for more. In other words, we hit our limit. Again, ask yourself some questions…

-What do I believe to be true about this situation?

-What conversations will I or will I not engage in with others?

-Who do I trust to hold space in this environment?

Strengthen Your Mind Daily and On Purpose

One incredibly positive thing that has come out of this human pivot is more people becoming conscience of their health. This has led to an increased engagement of more physical activities such as yoga, weight training, walking outdoors, home workouts…you name it. Going online or to your local sports store to acquire available workout equipment is akin to finding a gold nugget in the mountains out west. Basically, its almost impossible. However, what many fail to realize is that the mind needs to be trained just like the body does. Failure to “workout” your brain can lead to mental stress, anxiety, and an overall bleak look at your future. Here are just a few recommendations I have that can help to strengthen your mind.

-Schedule time for you…every day. For me, I have to start my day with time for myself. So whether it is physical training, reading, meditation, etc. I strongly recommend that you are start your day with the one person that will carry you through this day…YOU!

-Move your body. There are so many scientific studies that prove mental strength starts with the body. Get your physical health in line and the mental health comes with it.

-Learn something new. High performers continue their learning and education long after they have left the classroom. Find a hobby or topic that truly those interest you. Place time on your calendars to learn, study, and practice that activity. The brain is a muscle…so train it.

-Read, Listen, and write. Read 10-20 minutes each day of non-fiction. Listen to podcasts, Ted Talks, online lecture, etc. For example, YouTube is a one stop shop for all things self-improvement. Take a journal or any writing platform. Pen your thoughts to paper. Start and end your day with gratitude. Take an account for the goals you set for yourself that day. Journaling allows us to get our thoughts out into the world, even no one else reads them. The relief is what we are aiming for.

2020 Has been one hell of a year and our mental capacity has been tested like no time before. Therefore, no matter what activities you choose to engage in, take care of you first. You are no good to anyone if your cup is empty.

I am here for you. And if I can be a help in anyway, please do not hesitate to reach out. And know that I am in your corner. We all need a coach sometimes.

Best Regards,


Robert GrayComment